Monday, May 19, 2008

Paragraph About a Friend - creative writing

Getting to know her is easy, for she welcomes everyone. Being one of her best friends is another thing: she listens well when spoken to, and remembers every detail that you said. She could tell you anything about everything. Her brain is amazing. Being on time is another of her qualities, and being busy all the time is one too.
You hardly ever see her, though you can see her easily. Now you see her, now you don’t. She can make the strangest sounding French accent, which helps in French.
She’s there when you need her, and still around when you don’t.
“Positive thinking” she’ll tell you before a test.
She enjoys sports a lot, and is very good at them too. Living life to the full is how I would sum her up, in all her smartness, and memory of very small details, she is the happiest and most interesting person I know.

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